Low-calorie Food Recipe

The daily intake of only 500 calories a day is not difficult if you can cope with hunger; in this case, you can eat healthy and nutritious food. The recommendations of nutritionists on weight loss is adding protein, healthy fats, dietary fibers and reducing simple carbohydrates or food containing calories, such as white flour and sugar in diet. Obtaining vegetable and animal protein, in addition to edible fiber, is possible through eating vegetables and fruits. In this article, inspired from “dietary restrictions” book, we will talk about the preparation of grilled salmon and asparagus with honey, lemon and cumin.

Grilled salmon and asparagus with honey, lemon and cumin

Skinless and boneless salmon fillet 2 pieces, 113 grams each
Clean stalk of asparagus 227 grams
Honey 1 tablespoon
Fresh lemon juice 2 tablespoons
Fresh ginger root (grated) 1 teaspoon
Grounded cumin 1/4 teaspoon
Grounded cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon
Salt and pepper As required


First Stage

Before cooking, preheat the oven to 230°C. Grease the bottom of the rimmed baking sheet with non-stick cooking spray; Then, put the fish on the sheet and sprinkle some salt and pepper on it. Then, put the asparagus next to the fish.

Second Stage

Second Stage At this stage, pour the glaze ingredients of the fish in a small bowl and mix them very well. Pour some of the glaze (honey, fresh lemon juice, grated ginger root, grounded cumin and cinnamon with pepper salt) on the asparagus and the rest on the fish.

Third Stage

Place the fish and asparagus in the oven for 8 to 10 minutes until they get cooked very well.

Fourth Stage

Serve the fish with the asparagus.


Fish and vegetables cook quickly; and 5-8 cm thick fish pieces are cooked and ready within 8-10 minutes. Be careful not to overcook fish and vegetables.

Cut the stalks of asparagus at a distance of 13 cm from the top and about 5-8 cm from the bottom because the two ends of the asparagus are hard and can not be chewed.

Cut the stalks of asparagus at a distance of 13 cm from the top and about 5-8 cm from the bottom because the two ends of the asparagus are hard and can not be chewed.


Seafood and fish in general are low-calorie and nutritious meals that have their own fans, in comparison to other high-calorie foods such as red meat. Seafood contain very useful proteins and amino acids, which make them sources of complete proteins. In general, the lighter the fish is, the lower the total and saturated fat are and the healthier fish is. Marinating food with honey is better and less harmful than marinating food with sugar or sugar substitute. Therefore, it is recommended to use high-quality honey, as a flavoring food additive.